Rocky Books - the stories of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and his master, Shaun Chapman, in Africa
Rocky Books are great adventure stories for children and adults, with a strong environmental message

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Rocky's Barks and Howls -12-3-11

Hopefully we’ll be back in the bush shortly. . . We have definitely done enough work on the.....  more

Rocky's Barks and Howls -11-3-11

Snowy and Blackie (a Jack Russell puppy) just chased a bird in the house. Shaun was not amused wi.....  more

Rocky's Barks and Howls -9-3-11

Shaun had a meeting with the guys, and ‘RAPTOR’ should be going full steam ahead shor.....  more

Rocky's Barks and Howls -8-2-11

He is finished for real this time!!! And Shaun got fired from this lousy job because Mafutha and .....  more

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Rocky and the Wilderness